
About Milton Quilters

Milton Quilters held their first Quilt Show on 23rd September 1995 in St Martin’s Church Hall, Magadelene Drive in partnership with Pentland Patchers (now Tryst Patchwork Group). There were 50 quilts and wallhangings on display along with two tables of smaller items such as tea cosies, cushions and bags. At that time Milton Quilters had 7 members who displayed their work.

We organise public quilt shows every two years, and there were held in the halls of Portobello Old Parish Church, Bellfield Street Portobello from 2001 until 2015. From 2017 our fortnightly meetings and bi-annual shows have been held at the Fisherrow Community Centre, Musselburgh.

In 2001, we had 20 ladies and 1 man exhibiting of whom 8 are still members.
In 2011, 34 members exhibited 377 pieces of work. Our membership is now capped at 50.

At each show a quilt made by the members is raffled in aid of charity.
We have supported:

1997  Cystic Fibrosis 
2001  Maggie Centre 
2003 & 2007  St Columba’s Hospice 
2005  Marie Curie 
2009  Riding for the Disabled 
2011  Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland 
2013  Richmond’s Hope and the Personnel Recovery Centre 
2015  Poppy Scotland 
2017  Motor Neurone Disease 
2019  New Beginnings Club, East Lothian.